Sunday, August 21, 2011

Cowboys & Aliens

We went to see a movie last night after our date night at the world famous Grimaldi's Pizza in The Woodlands. Literally nothing was playing that we hadn't already seen, so we settled for Cowboys & Aliens .  Really the only reason I agreed to see it was because Cameron said that if it was terrible we would walk out. (I should have held him to his word!) Moral of the story: Cameron and I are realizing more and more that we are Cowboys & Aliens. No, no, not literally... although Cameron's Booster name IS Cowboy Cameron...but we are SO, so different. Although this is probably obvious to most, it sometimes can create some friction...

Just like the movie: 10 minutes in, and I'm ready to get up and leave (or fall asleep)....but Cameron is really intrigued by the idea behind it. It's stupid and boring to me; Cameron thinks the aliens are cool.  This is a very basic example of how different we are, but it comes up in different ways ALL the time. We are learning, however, to be thankful for these differences.  If Cameron was as clean-freak as I am, neither of us would ever take a break and sit down from doing laundry or dishes. If I was as much of a "quick start" as Cameron, we might never stop to read the directions or think things through all the way before jumping in head first. We are learning  more and more how our differences compliment each other and are a good thing, rather than an annoying thing. 

This week is a big one for us! Tomorrow is the first day of school and my first day at Alexander. Cameron and Booster start their first "gig" as we're calling it now, on Wednesday. We are really thankful that the Lord is continuing to provide for us in Houston in many ways and are excited to see what all this school year will hold. 

1 comment:

  1. I thought about you this morning! Hope you have a good first day of school!
